Nancy Ludmerer | Author

2023 Awards
For Sarra Copia: A Locked-in Life.

2022 Awards
Nancy's debut story collection Collateral Damage: 48 Stories has been awarded Snake Nation Press's Serena McDonald Kennedy Prize for Fiction and will be available for purchase beginning October 10, 2022.

Nancy's story "Mayim" (included in Collateral Damage: 48 Stories) has been selected for Best Small Fictions 2022, which will be available for pre-sale beginning [date tba] from Sonder Press. "Mayim" won first prize in Streetlight Magazine's flash fiction competition.

Nancy's story "The Loneliness Cure" has been awarded Orison Books' Best Spiritual Literature Prize for Fiction and will be published in Orison's Best Spiritual Literature Anthology 2022, available for purchase on December 2, 2022.
2020 – 2021 Awards
Nancy's fiction collection "A Simple Case and Other Stories" was a finalist for Steel Toe Books 2021 Fiction Prize
Nancy's hybrid (non-fiction and flash) chapbook "Some Things Happen Twice" was a finalist for the 2021 Digging Press Chapbook Prize
Nancy's story "13 Tips for Photographing Your Nephew's Bar Mitzvah When You Still Can't Forgive Your Brother-in-Law" (included in Collateral Damage: 48 Stories) was awarded Gemini Magazine's top flash fiction prize in its 2021 contest and was published in 2022.
Nancy's story "Good Intentions" was awarded first prize in Pulp Literature's Raven Short Story Prize for 2020 and was published in 2021.
Nancy's story "Matchbox" was awarded second prize in Masters Review's summer fiction contest and was published in 2021.
Nancy's story "Susceptible to Scratches" was awarded third prize in Streetlight Magazine's flash fiction contest and was published in 2021.
Nancy's story "A Simple Case" was awarded the fiction prize in Carve Magazine's annual 2019 Prose & Poetry Competition and was published in 2020.
Nancy's story "Breakfast with Henry" won honorable mention in Gemini Magazine's 2020 flash contest and was published in 2021.
Earlier Awards and Honors for Published Work
2019: Nancy’s story “Fathers” was a finalist in Mid-American Review’s Fineline Competition.
2017: Nancy’s story “Morris and Cleo” was a finalist for flash fiction in The Brighton Prize
2016: Nancy’s story “Family Day” won Second Prize in Blue Monday Review’s Ice-Nine
Contest for Flash Fiction.
2016: Nancy’s story “Summer, 2002” was short-listed for the Masters Review anthology and
published in Masters Review’s “New Voices” Series.
2015: Nancy’s story “First Night” won Second Prize in River Styx’s Microfiction Contest and
was then selected to be reprinted in Best Small Fictions 2016, judged by Stuart Dybek.
2015: Nancy’s story “Regret” won honorable mention in Gemini Magazine’s flash contest.
2015: Nancy’s story “Tiffy” was one of ten flash fictions published in Fish Anthology 2015,
judged by Bret Anthony Johnston.
2014: Nancy’s essay “Kritios Boy” was named a notable essay in Best American Essays 2014.
2011: Nancy’s story “Ecosystem” was a finalist in Southeast Review’s World’s Best Short-Short
Contest, judged by Robert Olen Butler.
2003: Nancy’s story “Eavesdropping” won a Fifty-Fifty Fiction Award from Night Train.
1997: Nancy's story "Playing Stupid" won third prize in the Postcard Story competition sponsored by Grain Magazine, judged by Jane Rule.